Friday, February 27, 2009

Science Fair, Walk-A-Thon, and Teenagers, OH MY!

Wow! The end of the school year rush is on! I can't believe I haven't posted anthing since January and we are now pretty much in March! Where did February go? What happened in the Postlethwaite house in February you may ask? Well...LIFE happened! And boy did it happen fast. The boys are both in the Science Fair this year. Richard's hypothesis happen unintentionally, but methodically. :) Riding in the car one day, will he was drinking a bottle of "Smart Water", he said, "You know, Mom, I bet this 'Smart Water' is just like tap water. I bet they put it from the faucet to the bottle, up the price, and sell it!" I responded as only a teacher could by saying, "Sounds like a hypothesis to me!... You could do that for Science Fair." He is so excited. I called the Onslow County Water Treatment facility and we have a tour scheduled for March 6th. It should be very interesting.

This is Ryan's first year in the Science Fair and he has decided to explore the wonder of caves. We visited the Forbidden Cavers in TN over the summer and he really enjoyed them.

Next on the agenda is the WALK-A-THON. Do I hear any pledges coming in? The boys are both attempting to win the ATV that the school has bought to raffle off to those who raise at least $800.00. So, off to pledging we go!

Rick and I are about to celebrate 17 wonderful years on March 21st. We are looking forward to that. :)

Other than school, work, and dodgeball at the gym...we are pretting much in "Normal, Everyday" life mode.

So, what's going on in your neck of the woods?