Thursday, June 25, 2009

Slip N' Slide Fun!

Boys having fun with the neighbors on their new Slip N' Slide! Check out these cool moves!

Slip N' Slide Fun!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day '09

The boys wanted to make Rick a fisherman cake. We went to buy a kit we found at Walmart, but they don't sell it anymore, so we put our heads together and the boys came up with a GREAT cake! It involved, crushed up Oreos, a bucket, a fishing pole, and LOTS of blue icing! Check out the pictures and see what you think! Rick loved it and enjoyed every bite! :)

Father's day

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Big Catch

Richard made his own "trap" today for what he thought would be for turtles, but check out what he caught instead.... an 8 - 9 lb. catchfish! You can see the excitement on there faces.

The Big Catch

Fun at the Park!

The Boys and I met some friends at the park. We had so much fun!
It was hot, so we stuck to the shade and had lot of fun anyway!

Park Fun!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just a Bunch of Hired Hands

Richard, Ryan, and I had fun "horsin' around" at Miracle Meadows stables yesterday!
Hope to get permission to take some pictures of them on some horses soon!

Hired Hands and Park

Sunday, June 7, 2009

First Post of the Summer!

Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted anything since April! Where has the time gone? Anyway, lots has happened! The boys and I are keeping very busy with extra jobs around the house, they are doing a summer refresher course 4 times a week, volunteering at a local horse stable "Miracle Meadows" twice a week, going to the beach and pool at least once a week, and also just "hangin' out" with friends. Rick has been working, gardening, and working! We have pulled in some "crops" all ready, which is fun! Richard found a baby bluejay and tried to nurse it back to health to the mother bluejay's TOTAL dismay. The "help" ended with a fly-by that nearly scared Ryan to death! As far as we and baby are doing fine. Anyway, check out the collage of photos we've taken so far. I'm sure there'll be more to come. Let us know what you're up to! We'd love to hear from ya!
